PSI-PCI Meets 30 Year Goal!


Thirty three years ago, when Bill High started Professional Scuba Inspectors, Inc. his aim was to train at least 300-500 people and he established a goal of “zero explosions”. 

PSI-PCI surpassed the first goal in the first 5 years.  But we had not been able to get through a year without at least one cylinder rupture.  Many people did not believe it would be possible to reach the “Zero Explosions for the year” goal.

We would like to announce that in 2015, there were no known SCUBA cylinder ruptures reported.  PSI-PCI is typically one of the first to hear thanks to our diligent Instructor and Inspector Corps.  We are normally the ones that alert the appropriate cylinder manufacturer that they have had a failure.  But 2015 was different.  We did not have to make that call. 

We believe this is due to the sheer number of inspectors that have attended PSI-PCI training and are working hard to remove cylinders from service that do not meet the specific cylinder requirements to remain in service.  These dedicated safety inspectors utilize the recognized training they received from PSI-PCI which has had a tremendous impact in the SCUBA industry with cylinder and user safety.

We are very proud of this accomplishment and we hope to maintain that goal of Zero Explosions for many years to come!

If you would like to become a PSI-PCI trained inspector, please visit our website for more information (  Our Visual Cylinder Inspection program is the only training recognized and referred to by USDOT, Compressed Gas Association and cylinder manufacturers.  We conduct classes via our affiliate instructors across the US and the world as well as attend local dive shows to offer training.  We are always seeking new members for the PSI-PCI team!   

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