Do You Need to Renew?

Attention PSI-PCI Inspectors.  Do you need to renew your PSI-PCI training?

In accordance with the Code of Federal Regulations Title 49 172.704(c) (ii) (2-4) recurrent training must be completed at least once every three years to be in compliance for Hazmat handling.

PSI-PCI Visual Cylinder Inspection Training (or "tank inspection" as it is commonly referred to in the industry) complies with this regulation by issuing training certificates valid for only three years.

You, as a PSI-PCI trained inspector, must comply by receiving recurrent training once every three years.  We offer the PSI-PCI Update program annually as a way to keep you current. You can take it from a local PSI-PCI instructor in person, virtually via our Interactive Virtual Training method (IVT) which works live via web meeting tools, or by taking advantage of the Update Training Online - which is a narrated powerpoint presentation in a self study online training module. 

If you have exceeded the three year recurrent training window (check your certificate for your last date of training and add 3 years to it) you need to complete full training, which would be the Visual Cylinder Inspection course, to regain compliance.  Many PSI-PCI instructors offer PSI-PCI alumni a discount but are not required to by PSI-PCI.  

In order to purchase and use PSI-PCI Evidence of Inspection (EOI) stickers you must have current training (within the last 3 years). No other inspection sticker has this requirement. Being able to use a PSI-PCI EOI sticker means something!

To renew in person or virtually via our IVT method:

  • Please see PSI-PCI webpage Course Schedule (left side nav bar) for available training and contact the specific independent affiliate instructor listing the class for assistance with class scheduling.
  • Check the website under PSI-PCI Instructors or contact PSI-PCI headquarters for assistance in locating an instructor.  Keep in mind with this very specialized training there might not be a PSI-PCI Instructor extremely close to your specific location and training might require travel.

Online Training

To Update via PSI-PCI Update Training Online send an email to: This e-mail address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. to request the order information and we will send you the private link to order and obtain access to the Update Training Program Online.

We want to work with you to meet the federal regulations for recurrent hazmat handling.  Contact us today!

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